University of Lagos played host to the Society for Environmental Toxicology and Pollution Mitigation, SETPOM, as they joined the world over to mark the World Environmental Day, WED 2016, in a lecture series themed Zero Tolerance for Illegal Wildlife Trade – Go Wild Life. SETPOM, which also launched the environmental safety squad for Primary and Secondary School students called E-Squad Club, emphasized, through Chairman, Institute of Safety Professionals of Nigeria, Engr. Timothy Iwuagwu, the need for people to protect the environment against pollution and killing of wildlife. According to him; “Today we have ecological problems on our hands, which are climatic change caused by global warming and some wildlife extinction. Our government has the constitutional duty of providing security and welfare to the people, wildlife inclusive. These include actions and measures necessary to prevent loss in environment due to inappropriate use of environmental materials. Considering the theme, government should boost the enforcement of existing laws that prevent people from destroying our environment and wildlife. Also, intensive public relation programmes that will enlighten the society about wild life should be encouraged.”

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